Data Driven Business

11 years ago
Video: Measuring Your Organization’s Web Analytics Maturity

Back by popular demand, Stéphane steps back from traditional web analytics tactics and looks at the key drivers of successful analytics practices. From the essence of analytics (driving business success) to the most optimal and realistic approach to web analytics, Stéphane presents the Online Analytics Maturity Model – a holistic approach being adopted by practitioners, consultants and vendors worldwide as an effective approach to optimizing your online marketing optimization practices.

Speaker: Stéphane Hamel , Director of Innovation, Cardinal Path

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Stephane Hamel Stéphane is the Director of Innovation for Cardinal Path and drives the creation of innovative company-wide solutions and digital measurement strategies designed to deliver maximum value and insight to clients. His knowledge and thought leadership led the Digital Analytics Association to name him as the most influential industry contributors in 2012.

Among his many accomplishments include: creator of the Online Analytics Maturity Model; creator of WASP (Web Analytics Solution Profiler), gaAddons, the “Just-in-Time” tagging methodology, and one of the first persons to receive the DAA Certified Web Analyst title.

Stéphane is called upon frequently to keynote and speak at conferences, was a Director and Board member of the Digital Analytics Association, and is frequently quoted in the media on issues related to digital measurement. He holds an MBA in eBusiness from Laval University (Québec City) where he teaches a graduate class on digital analytics, and also lectured the Award of Achievement in Web Analytics and Fundamentals of Business Analysis classes at the University of British Columbia. Stéphane and his wife Josée live in an 19th century farmhouse near Québec city with their two children and golden retriever.