Data Driven Business


How to Use Google Analytics Audience Data to Improve Your Marketing

Do you need to learn more about the Audience reports in Google Analytics? Do you want to know more about your website visitors? Understanding the demographics, behaviors and interests of your website visitors improves your online marketing. In this article I’ll share what data is found in the Google Analytics’ Audience section and how...

7 Legitimate Ways That Social Media Impacts SEO

To understand what is popular, relevant, and credible, the search engines are turning to social media. And so too must brands. If you ask 10 different people in the digital marketing industry whether social...

Google+ Is Walking Dead

Today, Google’s Vic Gundotra announced that he would be leaving the company after eight years. The first obvious question is where this leaves Google+, Gundotra’s baby and primary project for the past several of...

5 Google Analytics Updates that You Should Know About

Last week at the 2013 Google Analytics summit there were 15 new features discussed. That’s a lot! Many people have asked me what I think are the most important announcements so I thought I...