Data Driven Business


6 Misconceptions About Facebook Advertising

Facebook advertising is more important than ever in 2014.  If you want your business to succeed on Facebook this year, you’re going to have to start taking advertising seriously.  However, there are still some big misconceptions around Facebook advertising that need addressing.  We’ve taken on 6 of the biggest misconceptions in turn, to hopefully...

Pinterest is more popular than Twitter with U.S. consumers

Pinterest is more popular than Twitter with U.S. consumers, and Instagram is making strides, Pew says. But Facebook remains the most widely used social network among U.S. online adults by far. For the first...

20 Captivating Marketing Statistics That Will Drive 2014

What can marketers expect in the new year? Here’s a look at some predictions of what to expect and what to consider, based on an infographic from WebDAM: —Marketing teams will spend $135 billion...

The Next Big Data Frontier: Your Every Cursor Move

Behavioral marketing that captures what the user is doing without the user’s conscious consent mirrors the cookie-based tracking of users across Web sites for the delivery of online ads that relate to a user’s...