Data Driven Business

11 years ago
Pinterest is more popular than Twitter with U.S. consumers

Pinterest is more popular than Twitter with U.S. consumers, and Instagram is making strides, Pew says. But Facebook remains the most widely used social network among U.S. online adults by far.

For the first time Pinterest is more popular than Twitter among U.S. adults who use the Internet, according to a new report from the Pew Research Center, a not-for-profit research group that studies consumer behavior and the Internet.

21% of U.S. online adults said they use Pinterest, up from 15% a year earlier. Women dominate Pinterest, which lets shoppers “pin” images and photos of products they like from around the web, according to the report. 33% of online women use Pinterest, compared to just 8% of men.

18% of online adults use Twitter, up from 16% a year earlier. Instagram usage is also growing. 17% of U.S. online adults use the image-focused social network, up from 13% a year earlier.

However, all those social networks pale in comparison to Facebook, which 71% of U.S. online adults use, up from 67% in 2012.

In addition to being the most popular social network, Facebook also has the most engaged users. 63% of Facebook users visit the social network’s site or mobile apps at least once a day, with 40% doing so multiple times a day. Instagram, which Facebook owns, isn’t far behind Facebook, with 57% of its users checking the social network at least once a day and 35% visiting multiple times a day. 46% of Twitter users check the social network at least once a day and 29% more than once.

Pew based its findings on a telephone survey of 1,801 adults conducted in August and September.

The report also found that 42% of consumers use at least two social networks, while 36% said they only use one site. Of those consumers who only use one social network, 84% use Facebook, 8% LinkedIn, 4% Pinterest, 2% Twitter and 2% Instagram.

By: Zak Stambor, Managing Editor,
Originally published at

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