Data Driven Business

Industry News

Big Data vs. Better Data: Marketing Beyond Hunting & Gathering

Thanks to data, marketing is changing for the better. Data driven marketing has expanded the opportunity for all marketers (especially cross-channel marketers) to improve results by leveraging “people data.” While it’s true that marketers can know, learn and do more with data, just possessing it is not enough. Not all data is good. Not...

Tablets beat smartphones in mobile commerce

Tablet shoppers account for a slight majority of mobile sales and consistently spend more money and convert much more often compared with shoppers on smartphones, the Internet Retailer Mobile 500 finds. On average, 55%...

Big Data Fuels Spying and Context Marketing

With the dust still stirring from the exposure of the NSA’s data collection program, privacy advocates are starting to turn their attention to the businesses that collect consumer data. Pundits are starting to ask,...

The Biggest Marketing Strategy Mistake You Can Make: Not Using Big Data

The best predictor of the future is the past—that’s been a mantra in business for decades. But how is your company figuring out what its past actually is, and how are you implementing that...

4 Ways to Fail at Conversion Rate Optimization Read

Up until a few years ago, conversion rate optimization (CRO) was a niche skill set. By and large, designers were worried about a website’s aesthetics; search experts were concerned about information architecture and keyword...

Data-driven marketing versus Big Data marketing…Huh?

If you’ve asked yourself ‘Aren’t we already doing that?’ when it comes to Big Data marketing, you’re not alone. Although marketers are feeling the pressure – both externally and internally – to evaluate and...

Marketing: Bigger, Better, Stronger, Faster with Big Data Analytics

I pity the marketing organization. It has to deal with a lot of change. First it was the pesky empowered consumer. Then it was understanding device proliferation and cross-media consumption. As if that wasn’t...

6 Basic Mistakes Marketers Make About Big Data

Sure, we’re all suffering from big data fatigue. But try to forget that for a moment. The real “eureka” behind big data is this: Having information is no longer confined to merely understanding the...

Deadly Conversion Rate Optimization Mistakes that Marketers Make

1. Mistake: Optimizing for Conversion at the Expense of Your Must-Have Experience Too often testing is done to optimize conversion of a particular page or marketing element without consideration for the overall goal of...

The Changing Landscape of B2B Sales

Over the past decade, I have had the opportunity to see the swift evolution of B2B sales at both a large company and a small company. As a part of the online marketing team...

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