Industry News
We live in an age where Content Marketing is perhaps the most interesting and complex it has ever been. With new media for publishing and new ways to reach readers developing every day, we as publishers need to stay on top of Content Marketing trends to drive more readers to our valuable content. With...
Part 1: The Importance of Google Plus Introduction Google plus is one of the most unknown, under-utilized internet marketing tools available on the internet right now. It contains magical powers, like the ability to...
Marketing automation is all the rage among marketing types like me. There are good reasons for this. When I led the marketing function in the 90s for a technology consulting firm, I tried to...
Why is visual content so important? Visual content is one of the most powerful communication mediums available to brands today. It’s simple: human brains process visuals more efficiently than text alone, which makes visual content...
Every so often when I’m tweeting or emailing, I’ll think: Should I really be writing so much? I tend to get carried away. And for the times that I do, it sure would be...
National advertisers to grab 40% share of US local media ad spending this year US consumers love local search, at least according to January 2014 polling by Google conducted in partnership with Ipsos MediaCT...
Audiences are just drowning in horrible content, even after Google and its Hummingbird changes. Worse yet, people (and companies) are still using methods that are dated and maybe at most one or two ways...
Are you struggling with Google Analytics segments every now and then? Would you like to learn how to use and build them instead of just being overwhelmed with a "best segments" posts? If your answer to...
How can you use social media to boost your brand? By establishing a presence on the top social media networks that are most relevant to your business, updating regularly, engaging with customers and then...
Bigger isn’t always better, but you won’t know unless you test. Image source. We’ve heard it all before: “Long copy closes the sale!” shout the copywriting gurus. “Shorter landing pages get more leads!” shouts...