Data Driven Business

14 years ago
Contact Us

Registration Information and Questions

Please see the Registration page of the relevant conference for details on how to register both on and off-line.
If you have any questions please email:


Press and Media Inquiries

North America:
Jill McGinnity
Telephone: 508 644 0123
jmcginnity [at] risingmedia [dot] com
Eliot Knepper
Telephone: +49 8151 – 55 66 04 5
eknepper [at] risingmedia [dot] com
Jackie Bissell
Telephone: +44 1580 – 71 43 32
jbissell [at] risingmedia [dot] com

Sponsorship Opportunities

North America:
Paul B. Gillis
Telephone: 1-508-644-0641
pgillis [at] risingmedia [dot] com
Claudia Pacheco
Telephone: +49 89 – 76 70 44 59
Mobil: +49 172 – 82 67 36 4
Email: claudia [dot] pacheco [at] risingmedia [dot] de
Nick Paul
Telephone: +44 1580 714332
Email: npaul [at] risingmedia [dot] com

For any questions, suggestions or proposals not covered above please email: info [at] risingmedia [dot] com

Contact Address USA

Rising Media, Inc.
211 E. Victoria Street, Suite E
Santa Barbara,
CA 93101

Contact Address Germany

Rising Media Ltd.
Tutzinger-Hof-Platz 6
82319 Starnberg

Contact Address UK

Rising Media Ltd.
Office 36,
88-90 Hatton Garden,
London EC1N 8PN
United Kingdom

Registration Information and Questions

Please see the Registration page of the relevant conference for details on how to register both on and off-line.
If you have any questions please email:


Press and Media Inquiries

North America:
Jillian Derby
Telephone: 508 644 0639
jderby [at] risingmedia [dot] com
Eliot Knepper
Telephone: +49 8151 – 55 66 04 5
eknepper [at] risingmedia [dot] com
Jackie Bissell
Telephone: +44 1580 – 71 43 32
jbissell [at] risingmedia [dot] com

Sponsorship Opportunities

North America:
Paul B. Gillis
Telephone: 1-508-644-0641
pgillis [at] risingmedia [dot] com
Claudia Pacheco
Telephone: +49 89 – 76 70 44 59
Mobil: +49 172 – 82 67 36 4
Email: claudia [dot] pacheco [at] risingmedia [dot] de
Nick Paul
Telephone: +44 1580 714332
Email: npaul [at] risingmedia [dot] com

For any questions, suggestions or proposals not covered above please email: info [at] risingmedia [dot] com

Contact Address USA

Rising Media, Inc.
211 E. Victoria Street, Suite E
Santa Barbara,
CA 93101

Contact Address Germany

Rising Media Ltd.
Tutzinger-Hof-Platz 6
82319 Starnberg

Contact Address UK

Rising Media Ltd.
Office 36,
88-90 Hatton Garden,
London EC1N 8PN
United Kingdom

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